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- Zhenmei Zhang
- stef shuster
- Barbara Schneider
- Xuefei Ren
- Sarah Prior
- Gerald Roman Nowak III
- Stephanie Nawyn
- Madeline Nash
- Ereisa G. Morales
- Aaron M. McCright
- Ben Marley
- Ezgi Karaoglu
- Regan Kania
- Louise Jezierski
- Ning Hsieh
- Keith Hampton
- Katrina "Kitty" Groeller
- Steven Gold
- Stephen Gasteyer
- Kenneth Frank
- Angélica De Jesús
- Soma Chaudhuri
- Jennifer Carrera
- Clifford L. Broman
- M. Isabel Ayala
- Hikmatu Lalaki Awudu
- Monique Kelly
- Karessa Weir
- Amanda Flaim
- Jodi Yelinek
- Vilitcia Barghouti
- Yoojin Jang
- Faith Saeerah
- Tiffany Williams
- Rebecca Karam
- Hannah Pierson
- Carla A. Pfeffer
- Michael Stern
- Jess Burnham
- Teresa Rivera
- Philip Pettis
- Maria Isabel Espinoza
- Adam Rafalski
- Saleh Ahmed
- Alexander Hill
- Stephanie Winston
- Nicole Bray
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- Taylor Gallagher
- Angie Kennedy
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- Katherine Dentzman
- Kelly Birch Maginot
- Samuel Mindes
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- Society, Health and Equity Research (SHER) Group
- Global Environment, Migration, and Health Studies Initiative (GEMHS)
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News Archives
- News Archives
- 2023
- 2022 Archives
- Dietz Nature article
- Summer Courses for 2022
- Summer '22 Course Spotlight
- Summer Course Spotlight
- Welcome PJ!
- Dr. Jualynne Dodson
- New publication by Dr. Monique Kelly
- Summer '22 Course Spotlight
- Summer '22 Course Spotlight
- Dr. Xuefei Ren Urban Studies Grant
- Teacher-Scholar Award
- Corey Award
- Summer 2022 Online Course Spotlight
- Stephanie Nawyn on the Michigan Women's Commission
- GenCen Professional Achievement Award
- Lalaki Awudu - Ruth Simms Hamilton Award
- Diversity Spotlight: Dr. Theda Skocpol
- Alternative Spring Break
- IPUMS Award
- Dr. Tom Dietz in The Hill
- Diversity Champion: Dr. Rebecca Karam
- UURAF Award
- Outstanding Senior
- NIH Review Board
- Ruth Hamiliton Award
- RC21
- Armenian Los Angeles
- Poirier publication
- Robert Park Award for Best Book in Urban Sociology
- Anti-Environmentalism
- Faculty Voice
- Research Ranking
- ASA Medical Sociology
- Diversity Spotlight
- John and Ruth Useem Award
- Sociology Rankings
- Assistant Professor in Environment & Health
- MSU Lilly Teaching Fellowship
- Jihan Mohammed Placement
- Student Paper Award
- GenCen Awards
- Dr. Gasteyer Podcast
- COVID Lockdown
- Diversity Spotlight: Yvonne Fleener
- New Course! SOC 460: Human Migration
- Public Sociology
- MIDSURE Research Presentations
- PhD Cohort 2022
- Dr. Isabel Ayala named Academic Leadership Fellow
- Dissertation Completion Fellowships
- Campus Sexual Violence
- Undergraduate Spotlight: Carrie Nielsen
- Dr. Harry Schwarzweller
- Celebrating Tom Dietz and Linda Kalof
- Creating Inclusive Excellence Grants
- Social support networks
- PURI Awards
- Taylor Kovach
- Dr. Jodi Yelinek elected to MSA board
- Social Scientists Looking for Participants in DEI and Community Change Program
- Highly Cited Researchers
- Power to the people must include the people
- Distinguished Partnership Award
- Drs. Dietz and Kalof
- Drs. Dietz and Kalof
- Sam Safford Research
- Bailey Scholars Program Director
- 2021 Archives
- Vilitcia Barghouti
- Dr. Soma Chaudhuri Research on Migrant Precarity during COVID-19
- Dr. Steven Gold publishes new book
- HARP Grant
- Statement on the Events of Jan. 6
- Diversity Spotlight for February
- A remedy for COVID-19 learning loss?
- Barb Sawyer-Koch
- International Awards
- Monique Kelly
- Solidarity Statement
- Trans Visibility Day
- Jihan Mohammed Award
- Summer 2021 Online Courses
- Dr. Brendan Mullan
- MSU Sociology Achievements
- Ruth Hamilton Award
- Sociology Outstanding Senior
- Zhang-Liu Research
- Fall 2021 Graduate Students
- Mark Suchyta Award
- Dr. Monique Kelly Award
- Faculty Voice: Stephen Gasteyer
- Dr. stef shuster
- Soma Chaudhuri: DEI Coordinator
- Reclaiming Space
- Fixed-Term Faculty Positions Open
- Stephanie Nawyn
- Practice & Outreach Award
- Dr. Hui Liu research
- Stephen Gasteyer: Nature Communications
- Tenure-System Faculty Search
- Xuefei Ren: Public Intellectuals Program
- Dr. Hui Liu Award
- Diversity Spotlight: Anthony Ianni
- Donald W. Light Award
- Inna Mirzoyan
- Sam Safford
- Welcome Hannah
- Welcome Drew
- Brittany Tucker Fellowship
- Dr. Hui Liu Graduate Program Director
- Ward and Wilcoxson Receive SS22 DCFs
- Refugee Resettlements
- Safford Paper
- FPH Newsletter
- Same-Sex Couples and Cognitive Impairment
- Dr. Tom Dietz in Nature Energy
- Dr. Xuefei Ren chosen for New School
- First Generation Scholars Initiative
- Successful Aging in a Rural Community in Japan
- Plumbing Poverty
- Sarah Prior, Undergraduate Program Director
- Spotlight: Cam Whitley
- AART Symposium
- Aaron McCright Highly Cited Research
- Thirsty Cities
- Kayleigh Ward wins award
- New Animal Studies Publications
- Gasteyer Viewpoint
- Gold Book Award
- Jennifer Carrera Award
- Zhang Article
- Gasteyer Grants
- Kalof, Whitley Award
- Provost's Award
- Lalaki Awudu Award
- Ayala Research
- Alumni Updates
- Dietz Paper
- Barbara Schneider | Educational Influencer
- NIH Feature
- Breanne Grace
- Public Health Post
2020 Archives
- 2020 Archives
- Dr. Larry Busch
- PhD candidate Jihan Mohammed chosen for Winter School
- All global sustainability is local
- Denton "Spud" Morrison
- MSU Sociology/ Animal Studies dominate HER issue
- Dr. Barbara Schneider named top influencer
- Whitley award
- Dr. Barbara Schneider's latest book shows engaged learning works
- Professor shuster's work highlighted
- New Sociology Assistant Professor Molly Copeland
- 2020 Research Symposium
- Dr. Xuefei Ren on China's Response to the Coronavirus
- Xuefei Ren Grant
- Regan Kania Promotion
- Dr. Denton Morrison
- Dr. Bill O'Hare
- Sociology Awards
- New study by stef shuster
- Coronavirus Update
- Dr. Carl Taylor
- McCright Letter
- University Policies
- Sociology Summer Online Courses
- Health, Medicine and Society Forum
- Kayleigh Ward feature
- Inna Mirzoyan receives a Fulbright Award
- Dr. Ning Hsieh and Dr. Hui Liu
- Dr. Cedric Taylor on PBS
- Ning Hsieh: Addressing gaps in LGBTQ+ healthcare
- Drs. Maginot, Grace publications
- Dr. Carl Taylor on technology and the new world order
- shuster Leads the Way
- Dr. Marquart-Pyatt Award
- Phil Hart on WKAR
- Isabel Ayala named ALP Fellow
- New Global Ranking
- Amanda Flaim receives LUCE grant
- The Effects of COVID-19 on Sexual and Gender Minorities of Color
- New Publication by Dr. Prior
- How Different Nations have Responded to COVID-19
- Dr. Carl Taylor - Diversity Champion
- Fall Welcome
- Sociology student wins ASA award
- Sociology Experts for the Election
- SOC alum Jessica Rizzolo
- Dr. Aaron McCright NSF Grant
- Dr. stef shuster named Diversity Champion
- MSU Sociology Call to Action
- Interdisciplinary Team at MSU Secures $3.2M National Science Foundation Convergence Grant to Empower Off-grid Communities
- Refugees affected by COVID-19
- Monique Kelly Research
- Jihan Mohammed
- LBG Cognitive Health
- Mark Suchyta Research
- Dr. Stacy Smith's Covid research
- Faith Bradley
- Chair's Message: Heal Our Soul
- International Grad Students
- Tucker, Suchyta win DCFs
- College Rankings by Salary
- Chaudhuri Grant
- Copeland Study
- Angela Johnson
- Covid and Sustainability
- Cooking and Community
- Highly Cited Researchers List
2019 Archives
- 2019 and Prior Years Archives
- PhD Application Deadline Approaching
- Lynnea Miller to represent College at commencement
- Sociology PhD student winner of Gallin Award
- Alumna published book on financial therapy
- Health care for LGBTQ people of color
- New publication by Sociology PhD student
- Sociology alum Dr. Amy Fitzgerald on animal protection
- Getting Hitched Might Lower Your Odds for Dementia
- Sociology Alumnus Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
- Kayleigh Ward named Fulbright Scholar
- Sociology affiliated faculty leads NSF Award
- Marriage could be good for your health - unless you're bisexual
- Creating the 'Worthy' Patient in Transgender Medicine
- Lower refugee limits are weakening resettlement in the US
- Associate Professor in Sociology of Sexual and Gender Minority Health
- How China and India govern their cities
- Dr. Hui Liu publishes new book
- Latinx students experience isolation at their universities
- Sociology PhD candidate on NPR's On Point
- What would Jesus do? Quite possibly, recycle
- Dr. Zhenmei Zhang receives support for work preventing financial abuse of elders
- Dr. Carl Taylor Receives Humanitarian Award
- Dr. Steve Gold receives grant for distinguished scholars
- Closing the Water Access Gap
- Smartphones Could Save Lives in India
- Solidarity Statement
- Summer Online Courses 2023
- We will endure this together
- Career Fairs
- Michigan Integrative Well-Being and Inequality Training Program
- Distinguished Partnership Award for Community-Engaged Research
- Water Infrastructure
- New Faculty Announcement
- New NIH Grant
- Student Leader Award
- New publication
- 2023 Impact Award
- New research publication
- Outstanding Article
- P. Lea Martinez Endowed Scholarship
- Outstanding Research Award
- Trustees Award
- Spring 2023 Undergraduate Awards
- Outstanding Senior 2023
- Ruth Hamilton Award
- New Position
- New Blog Post
- Nawyn Research
- Student View: Angela Demas
- Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Jodi Yelinek
- LGBTQ Minor
- CHI fellowship
- Faculty Promotions, Spring 2023
- Assistant Professor of Sociology in Environmental Justice
- stef shuster wins NSF CAREER award
- Dr. Chaudhuri co-director of GenCen
- Women in STEM
- Welcome to Dr. Maria Isabel Espinoza
- University Alumni Award
- New Teaching Position
- New Sensory Space
- Whitley NSF Grant
- shuster Panel
- Debbie Jesswein
- PURI Awards
- AgeAlive Award
- HistoryMaker
- Carrera Promotion
- SGM Faculty Research Award
- New Sociology Chair
- Rural Education
- New Book
- NSF Grant
- Outstanding Teaching Award
- Udall Undergraduate Scholarship
- Alaina Bur New Position
- Arab American History Month
- Sociology Outstanding Senior 2024
- Ruth Hamilton Award 2024
- AKD Induction 2024
- Tom Dietz Elected to NAS
- Udall Undergraduate Scholarship
- PJ Pettis Outstanding Teacher Award
- PJ Pettis Dissertation Award
- shuster as Mentor of the Year
- MSU Sociology celebrates Pride Month
- Juneteenth Statement
- PJ Pettis wins second dissertation award
- Sociology DEI Grants
- Catalyst Grant
- New Positions
- Water Access
- MSU SOC welcomes new PhDs
- Stan and Toba Kaplowitz Distinguished Lecture
- Access Torch: Teresa Rivera
- Access Champion: Dr. Maria Isabel Ayala
- GEMHS lecture series
- Aging abuse map
- Kaplowitz Distinguished Lecture
- Council on Comtemporary Families Award
- National Endowment
- Climate Migration
- New Study Abroad Program
- New Research Course
- Board of Trustees Award
- State of the State
- Student Spotlight: Audrey Vang
- Student Harm Research
- Diversity Research Showcase
- Truman Scholar Nomination
- Access Champion: Dr. Monique Kelly
- Sociology Alumna Heads MSU Food Bank
- Truman Finalist
Archive Events
- $_EscapeTool.xml($theFolderTitle.value)
- Katherine Dentzman, Washington State University
- Marriage and Dementia in the United States
- Deliberative Democracy in Action:
- Hui (Chloe) Qian Dissertation Defense
- Julian Samora Research Institute Conference
- Slum Residents and Street Dogs
- Nash Presentation
- Greece Education Abroad Information Session
- Finding Dignity
- Lacee Satcher Lecture
- Medicine, Health and Society
- Christian Ramirez Dissertation
- Rebecca Karam Lecture
- Dr. Steven Gold discusses his new book
- Pandemic Sociology
- Leisy Abrego Lecture
- San Juanita García lecture
- February Grad Workshop
- Building Cumulative Knowledge
- Teaching Workshop
- Qualifying Paper Presentation
- Non-Academic Careers Workshop
- Yan Zhang Dissertation Defense
- Sociology Symposium 2021
- Brews and Views
- Jennicet Gutiérrez
- Graduate Workshop: Delivering and Evaluating Research Talks
- Yan Zhang
- Mary Romero
- Muslim Student Showcase
- ESPP Research Colloquium
- Dissertation Proposal Defense
- Jeny Lai Dissertation Defense
- Dissertation Proposal: Lalaki Awudu
- Sociology Lecture by Dr. Jualynne Dodson, MSU Professor of Sociology
- GWSPP Conference
- Lecture by Brian Powell (Indiana University)
- Spring Qualifying Papers
- Dr. Renee Canady
- Dr. Leisy Abrego, UCLA
- Medicine, Health and Society Forum
- Rizzolo Dissertation Defense
- Public Talk with Randi Gill-Sadler
- Gasteyer Lecture
- Dr. Liu Lecture for Sexual and Gender Minority Health Consortium
- Dr. Hsieh Lecture for Sexual and Gender Minority Health Consortium
- Professional Development Workshop Series
- Social/Personality Psychology Brown Bag Series
- Crossing Boundaries
- U.S. Census 2020 Discussion
- Mark Suchyta Dissertation Proposal Defense
- Water Science and Technology Board Meeting
- Brittany Tucker Dissertation Proposal
- Muslim Studies Showcase
- Gasteyer Lecture
- Yan Zhang Dissertation Proposal Defense
- Student for Critical Animal Studies
- Laura Robinson Lecture
- Sociology Professional Development Workshop Series II
- ELRHA Webinar
- Dr. Ray Jussaume Webinar
- Stephanie Jordan Lecture
- Crossing Boundaries
- Dr. Broman presentation
- David Bidwell, Sociology alumnus
- Jennifer Ho
- Xuefei Ren
- Dr. Gasteyer Discusses Palestinian Water
- Professional Development Workshop 3
- Inna Mirzoyan
- Yan Zhang
- Parenting Lecture
- Vanessa Rickenbrode Proposal
- Xuefei Ren
- Grant Writing Webinar
- Nicole Lehpamer Defense
- Lijun Song
- Medicine, Health and Society Seminar
- Laura Zahodne Lecture
- Jane Ward
- Steven Gold Panel
- Steven Gold Panel
- Race/Ethnicity and the Question of Postcolonial Citizenship in the Black Diaspora
- Professional Development Workshop 1
- Professional Development Workshop 3
- Angélica Ruvalcaba Dissertation Proposal
- Sociology Students of Color Event
- Nate Poirier Dissertation Proposal
- Kayleigh Ward Dissertation Defense
- LGBTQA+ Inclusion Capacity-Building Training
- FPH Lecture Series
- LGBTQA+ Inclusion Capacity-Building Training
- Professional Development Workshop
- Ecocultural Studies Workshop
- Ecocultural Studies Workshop
- DEI Training 2023
- Nathan Poirier Dissertation Defense
- Age Alive Awards
- Megan Russ Dissertation Defense
- AKD Induction
- Dr. Trevor Hoppe
- Madeline Nash Dissertation Proposal Defense
- Alaina Bur Dissertation Defense
- Graduate Workshop 2
- Manuel Vallee
- Anna Wilcoxson Dissertation Defense
- Muslim Studies Program Conference
- Qualifying Paper Presentations for Spring 2023
- Trans Reproduction
- Mark Suchyta Dissertation Defense
- Event Archives
- DEI Speaker Series Spring 2024
- Medicine, Health & Society Seminar
- Vanessa Rickenbrode Defense
- Jamie McCallum Lecture
- Alaina Bur Dissertation Proposal
- Megan Russ Dissertation Proposal
- Dr. Brea Perry Lecture
- Young Alumni Panel
- Stan & Toba Kaplowitz Distinguished Lecture Series
- Katie Dentzman Lecture
- SHER presents Dr. Christy L. Erving
- Dissertation Proposal Defense
- Rohingya Refugees
- SHER presents Dr. Rin Reczek
- GEMHS Lecture: Stephanie Nawyn
- SHER Group presents Jaclyn S. Wong
- GEMHS Lecture: Stephanie Nawyn
- First meeting of the Sociology Club
- No Classes
- Palestine-Israel Conflict: Put Into Context
- GEMHS Workshop
- GEMHS Lecture: Sarah Elizabeth Grineski
- GenCen Colloquia Series
- GEMHS Lecture: Christine Vatovec
- Refugee Roundtable
- Qualifying Paper Defenses
- Sociology Club Internships
- Climate Justice and Environmental Ethics
- Climate and Electoral Politics
- Ayoe Wang Indigenous Landscapes
- Brittany Tucker Dissertation Defense
- Qualifying Paper Presentations for Fall 2022
- Ireland Information Session
- GenCen panel
- Jennifer Smith Lecture
- Ezgi Karaoglu Dissertation Proposal Defense
- Events
- Symposium on Arab American Art
- Malcolm and Ann Kerr Muslim Studies Community Lecture
- Centennial Celebration
- Sociology Department Meeting
- Sociology Department Meeting
- MSU Teach-In
Archive Events
- Contact Information
- Site Map
- Privacy Statement
- Site Accessibility
- Sociology Graduate Questionnaire
- Confirmation
- Online Teaching Resources