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Spring Qualifying Papers (rescheduled)

Thu, September 10, 2020 at Zoom, 457 Berkey Hall

Upcoming Qualifying Paper Presentations

10 a.m. Angelica Ruvalcaba PhD Student, Sociology
“I Can Be Myself, [Almost] Always: A Latinx Microclimate in a Predominantly White Institution of Higher Education”

10:30 a.m. Gerald Roman Nowak III PhD Student, Sociology
“The Effect of Servers’ Race on Consumer Appraisals in Full-Service Restaurants”

11 a.m. Ezgi Karaoglu PhD Student, Sociology
‘’The role of social dominance orientation, empathy, and perceived threat in predicting prejudice toward Syrian refugees in Turkey”.

11:30 a.m. Nathan Poirier, PhD Student, Sociology
“Learning to Exploit: The Socialization of Animal Science Undergraduates”

12 p.m Megan Penzkofer, PhD Student, Sociology "Making Death Acceptable: Personalized Care and the Authoritativeness of Hospice Professionals"