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SHER Group

Society, Health and Equity Research (SHER) Group

SHER, formerly FPH (Family, Population, and Health) Lab, is a research community of faculty and students broadly interested in health equity and social determinants of health. Our group consists of scholars who study a wide range of topics, including aging and life course; gender, race/ethnicity, sexuality, and socioeconomic status; human-environment interactions; medical uncertainty, knowledge construction, and authority; social relationships and networks using qualitative and quantitative methods. SHER supports student and faculty research through workshops, seminars, collaborations, and mentorships.

Fall 2023 Events

  • September 14, 3-5PM. Welcome social and research updates @ TBD (Please RSVP here)
  • October 12, 3-4PM. Dr. Brea Perry (Indiana University) Zoom talk, “Aging and the social brain: The role of social networks in dementia.”
  • November 2, 3-4PM. Discussion of Yu Guo’s project, “Spouse caregiving and parallel trajectories of cognition among older Adults caregivers and recipients in China.”
  • November 17, 12-1:10 p.m. Dr. Jaclyn Wong (University of South Carolina) Zoom talk, Equal Partners? How Dual-Professional Couples Make Career, Relationship, and Family Decisions.”
    * Get a copy of Dr. Wong's new book!
  • November 30, 3-4PM. Discussion of Teresa Rivera’s project, “Title TBD.”

Spring 2024 Events will be announced in December 2023.

Current Faculty Members

Current Graduate Students

We welcome scholars from different disciplines to join our events! Feel free to email the current faculty organizer to be added to our listserv.