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Clifford L. Broman

Clifford L Broman
  • Professor
  • Department of Sociology
  • PhD, University of Michigan
  • MA, Washington University
  • 459 Berkey Hall
  • 509 E. Circle Drive
  • East Lansing, MI 48823
  • 517-355-1761


Clifford L. Broman


Dr. Broman is a sociological social psychologist by training. Dr. Broman teaches courses in family, race and ethnicity, medical sociology, and survey methods. In the past ten years, Dr. Broman has graduated several students with the PhD degree, almost all of whom have gone on to tenure-track jobs and/or postdoctoral scholar positions. Dr. Broman also has extensive experience working with undergraduate mentees, most recently serving as a mentor for the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE). Many of these undergraduate students have gone on to graduate or professional school. Dr. Broman has served several regional and national organizations, including NIH on review panels, NSF, the BlueCross-Blue Shield Foundation, regional sociological associations and the American Sociological Association, both as chair and as a member of the Committee on the Minority Fellowship Program. In addition, Dr. Broman has served and currently serves on several editorial boards. 


Current research is focused in two directions: First, substance abuse among minority and majority populations in the U.S., as well as associated HIV risk behavior. In this regard, Dr. Broman has examined family issues in substance use and abuse, such as family structure and parenting behavior. Another focus of Broman’s research is contemporary racial and ethnic relations. He has recently revised his edited reader on race and ethnicity, and is working on a project involving a social history of race wars in the U.S.


  • African American and African Studies


Clifford L. Broman , Mellissa K. Wright , Michael J. Broman & Shikha Bista
(2020) "Self-Medication -and Substance Use: A Test of the Hypothesis", Journal of Child &
Adolescent Substance Abuse, 28:6, 494-504, DOI: 10.1080/1067828X.2020.1789526

Miller, P. K. and C. L. Broman. 2018. “Racial-ethnic differences in sexual risk behaviors: The role of substance use”. Journal of Black Sexuality, in press.  

Choudhury, M. R. and C. L. Broman. 2016. “A review of the recent trends in the relationship between unemployment and families”. Michigan Family Review, 20(1): 7-14.

Redmond, M. L., D. C. Watkins, C. L. Broman, J. M. Abelson and H. W. Neighbors. 2016. “Ethnic and gender differences in help seeking for substance disorders among black Americans”. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.  

Broman, C. L. 2016. "The availability of substances on long term substance use". Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 25, 487-495.

Broman, C. L., P. L. Miller and E. Jackson. 2015. "Race-ethnicity and prescroption drug misuse: Does self-esteem matter?" Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior, 3: 239. DOI: 10.4172/2375-4494. 1000239