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Internal Research Funding Opportunities

Office of Research and Innovation
  • Discretionary Funding Initiative Award (DFI)

    name: Discretionary Funding Initiative (DFI) Award


    source of funds: MSU Research Foundation, Office of Research and Innovation

    purpose: provides tenure-system faculty with bridge funding for resubmission of an unsuccessful (but nearly funded) grant proposal that the faculty member intends to resubmit to the same program within the same agency; the funds should be used for conducting background or pilot research to improve the quality of the grant resubmission

    eligibility: tenure-system faculty


    evaluation criteria: unknown

    timing of call(s): early in fall semester; early in spring semester

    due date(s): September 14, 2023

    award: up to $25,000 from ORI

    required match: The maximum award from the OR&I will be $25K and will require a 100% (up to $25K) cash match from units or colleges (total expendable funds, up to $50K).

    length of award: funds will be available for 18 months

    reporting requirement: an activity report is required at the end of the granting period


    SOC Faculty Recipients over Last 15 Years

    Sandy Marquart-Pyatt. 2019. "Training the Next Generation of Environmental Scientists: Using a Systems Approach to Understand Social and Ecological Mechanism of Resilience in Working Landscapes." $48,400.

    Tom Dietz, Aaron M. McCright. 2011. "National Environmental and Climate Change Survey Workshop." $36,578.


  • Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP) Development Grant

    name: Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP) Development Grant


    source of funds: Research MSU Foundation

    purpose: provides funds to support faculty who are developing important research projects or creative and performance projects in the arts and humanities that seem likely to enhance the reputation of the faculty member and MSU



    evaluation criteria:

    timing of call(s): early in fall semester

    due date(s):

    award: up to $25,000

    required match: no

    length of award: funding is available for a 2-year period beginning on July 1

    SOC Faculty Recipients over the Last 15 Years

    stef shuster. 2019. “Treating Gender. Transgender Medicine & Uncertain Expertise.” $25,000.

    Xuefei Ren. 2019. "Whose City? Urban Redevelopment in China, India, Brazil and the U.S." $25,000.


  • Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP) Production Grant

    name: Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP) Production Grant


    source of funds: MSU Research Foundation

    purpose: provides funds to help subsidize the costs of book publication, permissions to use copyrighted materials, CD recording and production, the creation and mounting of exhibits, and other expenses associated with producing the results of a completed creative or research project

    eligibility: a publishing contract is required for funds requested to publish a book; proposals requesting funds to complete textbooks will not be considered


    evaluation criteria:

    timing of call(s): early in fall semester; early in spring semester

    due date(s):

    award: up to $7,000

    required match: no

    length of award: funding is available for an additional year after the fiscal year of the original funding allocation

    SOC Faculty Recipients over the Last 15 Years

    stef shuster. 2020. “Treating Gender. Transgender Medicine & Uncertain Expertise.” $7,000.

    Linda Kalof. 2011. “The Animal Turn Book Series.” $1,400.

  • Strategic Partnership Grants (SPGs)

    name: Strategic Partnership Grants (SPG)


    source of funds: Office of Research and Innovation

    purpose: major projects in key areas of research, scholarship and creative activities. The program seeks to support research and scholarship that is high-risk and potentially high-impact



    evaluation criteria: a fully developed and innovative strategic plan

    timing of call(s):

    due date(s): September 8, 2023

    award: Up to $400,000

    required match: 20 percent departmental match

    length of award:

    reporting requirement:

    SOC Faculty Recipients over Last 15 Years

    Ben Marley. 2018. "Navigating Globalization: Agrarian Households and Environmental Transformation in China's Corn Belt." $3,000

Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives
  • Creating Inclusive Excellence Grants (CIEG)

    name: Creating Inclusive Excellence Grants (CIEG)


    source of funds:

    purpose: To create synergy within and across organizational systems in support of an inclusive educational and work environment; to demonstrably benefit students and create a more inclusive campus community for all

    eligibility: Two catagories - Colleges, Academic and Adminstrative Units, and Individuals and Groups. Both groups need evidence of support from unit or relevant administrators


    evaluation criteria: Significance, collaboration, outcomes and impact, evaluation, sustainability, letters of support

    timing of call(s):

    due date(s): August 1, 2022

    award: Up to $15,000 

    required match: none

    length of award: One year

    reporting requirement:

    SOC Faculty Recipients over Last 15 Years

    Stephanie Nawyn and Wenda Bauchspies. 2019. "Imagining Our Future University: Equity and Inclusive Excellence." $8,900.

    Stephanie Nawyn. 2018. "MSU Gender Dialogues." $9,000.

    Isabel Ayala. 2013. "Identity and Inclusivity: Assessing the Role of Racial/Ethnic Identity Empowerment on Latino Students' Academic Attainment."

    Aaron M. McCright. 2010. "Discovering Diversity, Creating Inclusion: An Inquiry into Diversity and Science." $11,000.

    Aaron M. McCright. 2009. "Discovering Diversity, Creating Inclusion: An Inquiry into Diversity and Science." $14,409.


  • Launch Awards Program (LAP)

    name: Launch Awards Program (LAP)


    source of funds: Diversity Research Network

    purpose: To aid scholars in launching new research through pilot study, creative projects of scholarly merit or the enhancement of a measure or technique

    eligibility: Faculty of color and diversity scholars at MSU


    evaluation criteria: Work that benefits diverse schoarls or populations will be prioritized as well as collaborations across departments or colleges

    timing of call(s): Fall 2021

    due date(s):

    award: Up to $5,000

    required match:

    length of award:

    reporting requirement: A brief mid-term report and final report within 10 months of the award date

    SOC Faculty Recipients over Last 15 Years

     Soma Chaudhuri. 2019. "Smart Phones, Apps, and the Fight to End Violence Against Women." $2,000.

    Ning Hsieh and stef shuster. 2019. "Underutilization of Healthcare and Barriers to Care among LGBTQ People of Color." $4,200.


College of Social Science
  • Faculty Initiatives Fund (FIF) Award

    name: Faculty Initiatives Fund (FIF) Award

    link: _assets/pdfs/2022-23FacultyInitiativesFund_CFP.pdf

    source of funds: Dr. Gwen Andrew, Professor Emeritus and Dean Emeritus of the College of Social Science

    purpose: Promote the production and dissemination of knowledge by supporting faculty research initiatives, development of new outreach and engagement efforts and the publication of "pioneering" works that otherwise would not find outlets among commercial publishers

    eligibility: Faculty members who hold primary appointments (51% or more) in the College of Social Science


    evaluation criteria:

    timing of call(s):

    due date(s): 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 1, 2022

    award: Average award is $6,000.

    required match: Minimum of $1,000

    length of award:

    reporting requirement: A brief report is required within 12 months of the award date describing outcomes and plans for follow-up

     SOC Faculty Recipients over the Last 15 Years

    Zhenmei Zhang. 2010. "Lifecourse Pathways to Racial Disparities in Late-Life Cognitive Impairment." $10,000.


  • Tomlanovich Equity Research Fund

    • The Tomlanovich Equity Research Fund will provide up to $10,000 total ($5,000 for the faculty member and $5,000 for the undergraduate student) for the academic year to support a research project conducted by a faculty member and undergraduate student team that builds upon the vision of the Women’s Leadership Institute to advance leadership equity for women globally.
    • The funded proposal may be awarded for a research project that focuses on topics, including but not limited to, gender equity and the intersection of gender with race, ethnicity, social class, and/or other social identities.
    • The research will build upon a prior body of work that addresses equity issues. Equity must be seen as the central focus of the proposed study.
    • The proposed study will demonstrate alignment with the WLI’s vision to advance leadership equity for women globally.
    • The funded proposal will produce a paper or poster that will be presented to the WLI Board, at the University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF) at MSU, and at a professional conference.
    • A Call for Proposals will be circulated among faculty members who hold a majority appointment in the College of Social Science. In addition, an invitation will be sent to faculty whose research interests align with the Equity Research Fund.

    • Faculty members (tenure stream and fixed term) holding majority appointments in the College of Social Science are eligible to apply.
    • The undergraduate students must have completed at least 56 credit hours, and be a major in one of the academic degree programs offered in the College of Social Science.
    • If the research involves human or animal subjects, funds will not be available for use until the faculty member (PI) submits the IACUC or Human Research Protection Program approval letter.
    • The faculty member will receive up to $5,000 from the fund for associated research expenses, such as data collection, data analysis, materials, conference attendance. The faculty member may not use the award for faculty salary or course buyouts. No more than $1,000 may be used to cover costs of attendance at a scholarly conference.
    • The undergraduate student will receive up to $5,000 from the fund in the form of a scholarship for the academic year.

    • Applications should be submitted to the Women’s Leadership Institute, as a single PDF document, via email to Amanda Guinot Talbot, PhD, WLI Director at Applications must be received by 5:00 pm EST on February 15, 2022.
    • Application packets should include the following:

  • IPPSR Michigan Applied Public Policy Research (MAPPR) Grant

    name: Institute for Public Policy and Social Research Michigan Applied Public Policy Research Grants


    source of funds: Institute forPublic Policy and Social Research

    purpose: To link the work of faculty to current state policy discussions

    eligibility: At least one MSU faculty member to serve as lead investigator. Collaboration among faculty and interdisciplinary research are encourage, as is the engagement of graduate student researchers

    application: Three page proposal identifying the specific policy-relevant issues the research will address, the related research questions to be asked, and the methodology to be used, along with a detailed budget

    evaluation criteria:

    timing of call(s):

    due date(s): July 15, 2021

    award: typically $25,000

    required match:

    length of award: One year

    reporting requirement: Regular updates followed by a 10-page briefing paper and a blog post

    SOC Faculty Recipients over Last 15 Years

    Sandy Marquart-Pyatt, Riva Denny. 2017. "Perceptions of Water Quality, Quantity and Access in Michigan." $25,000.

    Aaron M. McCright. 2016. "Michiganders' Views of Vaccines." $20,000.

    Tom Dietz. 2015. "Assessing Sources of Human Well-Being in Michigan: A Michigan Applied Public Policy Research Proposal." 

    Sandy Marquart-Pyatt. 2012. "A Statewide Survey of Residents' Views of Renewable Energy in Michigan." $20,000.

    Cliff Broman. 2009. "Families Coping with Economic Crisis." $21,000.

    Steve Gold. 2007. "The Impact of Proposal 2 on the Survival of Minority and Women-Owned New Firms in Michigan." $22,000.

    Steve Gold. 2006."Racial Solidarity and Entrepreneurial Resources: Social Capital and Black Self-Employment in Detroit." $25,000.


  • Small Grants in Social/Racial Justice

    name: Small Grants in Social/Racial Justice

    link: none yet (CFP just came via e-mail on October 6th)

    source of funds: College of Social Science non-recurring funds

    purpose: to support research related to social or racial justice (applications that represent pilot activities that will lead to proposals for external funding are particularly encouraged)

    eligibility: tenure-system faculty members holding majority appointments in the College of Social Science; faculty members who have received College FIF small grant funds in 2019 or 2020 and/or COVID-19 small grants in 2020 are ineligible to apply

    application: applications must be submitted electronically as a single PDF to

    evaluation criteria: quality and technical merit; impact of the project; capabilities, demonstrated productivity, and experience of applicants; and budget consideration

    timing of call(s): August 6, 2020

    due date(s): 5:00p Eastern on Friday November 6, 2020

    award: up to $5,000 (anticipate funding 10 proposals)

    required match: unit match is not required but is welcome

    length of award: 12 months

    reporting requirement: brief report describing outcomes and plans for follow-up is required within 12 months of award date

    SOC Faculty Recipients over Last 15 Years

    Stephen Gasteyer. 2020. "Nonviolence Initiatives in the U.S.: The Antidote for Police and Neighborhood Violence? A Primary Study." $4,900.


  • Provost Undergraduate Research Initiative (PURI) Award

    name: Provost Undergraduate Research Initiative (PURI) Award


    source of funds: College of Social Science 

    purpose: Provides talented undergraduates with an opportunity to work closely with faculty on substantial research projects

    eligibility: Faculty must hold an appointment in the College of Social Science. Student researchers must be enrolled College of Social Science majors with a 2.0 GPA or better


    evaluation criteria:

    timing of call(s):

    due date(s):September 13, 2021

    award: $2,000

    required match:

    length of award:

    reporting requirement: A written report from each faculty and student participant to the Associate Dean of Academic & Student Affairs by April 23, 2022
ISP Centers
  • AAP Partnerships for Innovative Research in Africa (PIRA) Grants

    name: Partnerships for Innovative Research in Africa


    source of funds: The Alliance for African Partnership

    purpose: To cultivate and support multidirectional and transregional research partnerships at any stage of their development

    eligibility: Principal investigators from both MSU and at least one AFrican AAP-member university


    evaluation criteria: Program goals should align with AAP's strategic objectives including building bridges, transforming institutions, transforming lives

    timing of call(s):

    due date(s): December 4

    award: Funding tiers from $50,000 small grants, planning grants up to $100,000 and scaling grants up to $200,000

    required match:

    length of award: 18 months

    reporting requirement:Mid-term and final reports will be due to AAP management 30 days after the reporting periods end date

    SOC Faculty Recipients over Last 15 Years

    Monique Kelly. 2021. "Race/Ethnicity and the Question of Postcolonial Citizenship: A Comparative Study of East African and the Anglophone Caribbean." $99,649.

  • ASC Delia Koo Endowment Awards

    name: The Asian Studies Center Dr. Delia Koo Endowment Award


    source of funds: Koo Endowment

    purpose: To facilitate the incorporation of international and global studies, especially of Asia, in the areas of teaching, research, or outreach at MSU

    eligibility: Asian Studies Center-affiliated faculty

    application: Teaching/Research/Outreach -

    Conference Funding -

    evaluation criteria: Priority area is faculty research projects, including projects that are likely to have feed-through benefits for teaching and outreach in Asia

    timing of call(s):

    due date(s): Jan. 15, April 15, July 15, Oct. 15

    award: conference funding is capped at $1,000 per award. Teaching, research and outreach funding is capped at $5,000 per award

    required match

    length of award:

    reporting requirement:

    SOC Faculty Recipients over Last 15 Years

    Zhenmei Zhang. 2019. "The Long Arm of Childhood Adverse Experiences on Cognitive Function Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in China." $3,300.

    Soma Chaudhuri. 2019. "Smart Phones, Apps, and the Fight to End Violence Against Women." $7,760.

    Soma Chaudhuri. 2014. "Empowerment and Its Implications on Grassroots Women and Their Intervention against Domestic Violence in Gujarat, India." $8,000.

    Xuefei Ren. 2014. "MSU Urbanization and Governance in China and India: Informal Settlements, Land Disputes, and Citizen Rights." $5,000.


  • CLACS Strategic Partnership Funds

    name: Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Strategic Partnership Funds


    source of funds: Provost and the Dean of International Studies and Programs

    purpose: To develop strategic partnerships with universities and institutions of higher education and research abroad that focuses on ISP's priority themes of food and agriculture, environment, health and nutrition, and education.

    eligibility: MSU faculty


    evaluation criteria:

    timing of call(s):

    due date(s): January 24; rolling deadlines


    required match: 20% by faculty members' college or department

    length of award:

    reporting requirement:

  • GenCen Strategic Partnership Grants

    name: Center for Gender in Global Context Strategic Partnership Grants


    source of funds: Provost and the Dean of ISP

    purpose: To develop long-term international strategic partnerships with universities and institutions of higher education and research abroad

    eligibility: Should include more than one department and/or college at MSU


    evaluation criteria: Priority areas of Gender, Justice & Environmental Change (Gender and Agriculture/Environment); Gender-Based Violence; LGBTQ Scholarship and Outreach; Intersectionality and Diversity; Gender and Inter-disciplinarity

    timing of call(s):

    due date(s):


    required match: 20 percent match from department or college

    length of award:

    reporting requirement:

    SOC Faculty Recipients over Last 15 Years

     Sarah Prior. 2021. "Research and Workshop on Gender-Based Violence in Kenya." $10,000.

    Samantha Fox and Ben Marley. 2018. "Navigating Globalization: Agrarian Households and Environmental Transformation in China's Corn Belt." $3,000.

    Soma Chaudhuri. 2013. "Grassroots Women Leaders, Activism against Domestic Violence, and Strategies of Intervention." $7,700.

    Stephanie Nawyn. 2011. "Women's & Migrants' Rights in Turkey." $4,000.

    Soma Chaudhuri. 2011. "Women's Actions to Improve Quality of Life within Patriarchal and other Hierarchies: Laying the Groundwork for Research in Guajarat, India." $3,620.

    Stephanie Nawyn. 2010. "Women's & Migrants' Rights in Turkey." $2,000.


  • ISP Special Foreign Travel Fund

    name: ISP Special Foreign Travel Fund Award


    source of funds: International Studies & Programs

    purpose: To help faculty attend professional meetings and congresses outside the United States

    eligibility: MSU faculty


    evaluation criteria:

    timing of call(s):

    due date(s): Feb. 1, June 1 and Oct. 1


    required match: Yes

    length of award:

    reporting requirement: Trip report with travel reimbursement document