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Madeline Nash

Madeline  Nash
  • Graduate Student
  • Department of Sociology
  • M.A. Sociology, Michigan State University, 2022
  • BA Sociology Michigan State University 2015
  • BA Philosophy Michigan State University 2012


Madeline Nash


Madeline Nash (Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians) is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology with a graduate affiliation in American Indian and Indigenous Studies. She received a B.A. in Philosophy in 2012, a B.A. in Sociology in 2015, and a M.A. in Sociology in 2022, all from MSU. As an Anishinaabekwe (Ojibwa woman), migration has always fascinated her, specifically its impacts on Indigenous communities. Consequently, her main research areas focus on migration, health, and race/ethnicity. She is particularly concerned with understanding how patterns of colonization have impacted Indigenous identities, and how settler colonialism has, and continues to affect Indigenous people’s physical, mental as well as spiritual well-being.  

Madeline’s current research utilizes a semi-decolonized, mixed methods approach to understand how the politics of recognition (tribal enrollment, or lack thereof) affects Indigenous identity and mental health in parts of the Great Lakes region.


  • American Indian and Indigenous Studies


Danielle R. Gartner, Ceco Maples, Madeline Nash and Heather Howard-Bobiwash. 2023. "Misracialization of Indigenous People in Population Health and Mortality Studies: A Scoping Review to Establish Promising Practices."  Epidemiologic Reviews 


Angelica Ruvalcaba, Madeline Nash, Jennifer Lai, Jihan Mohammed. 2020. "Reclaiming Space: The Narratives of Female Doctoral Students of Color." Women, Gender, and Families of Color 8(2): 194–202. 
