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Samuel Mindes

Samuel Mindes

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Curriculum Vitae

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Dissertation Title: "Emigrant America: Estimating and Envisaging Expatriation to Canada and Mexico"

Dissertation Committee: Brendan Mullan (chair), Steve Gold, Isabel Ayala, and Andrea Louie

Mindes_Edited.jpgDissertation: Sam’s dissertation looks at migration in North America; however, he looks beyond the heavily studied flow of migrants into the United States. In this project, he looks at migration from the U.S., specifically focusing on the emigration of native-born Americans to Canada and Mexico in the last several decades. Migration in North America is much more diverse than a single migration flow, yet this American emigration flow, which is both growing and changing, remains absent from scholarly research. American citizens living abroad are important domestic political, social and economic actors, who hold voting rights in the U.S., preserve social and familial bonds, and maintains financial connections even from abroad. Sam’s dissertation investigates this emigration flow, guided by research questions that: explore changes in demographic composition; examine the portrayal of American emigration in mass media; and compare the depiction of American emigration on secondary data to the narrative told by the mass media.