

Dean's Student Advisory Council

The Dean's Student Advisory Council is made up of two students from each social science undergraduate major: one at the senior level and the second at the junior, sophomore, or freshman level. Students on the council are selected for their interest in issues affecting social science education and in representing the view of their constituencies. Students should not serve more than two consecutive years on the council.

The 2024-25 Dean's Student Advisory Council Representatives are:

Onyx Bromley, BROMLE10@msu.edu 

Sam Shedd, FIERENS1@msu.edu 

Riley Michael, micha201@msu.edu


Department Committees

Two undergraduate representatives may serve on the Undergraduate Education Committee, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee or the Advisory Committee in the Department of Sociology. Representatives of either of these committees may also participate in Departmental meetings.


The MSU Department of Sociology grants several awards to its undergraduate students. In addition, the College of Social Science provides several scholarships for undergraduate students through the generous support of alumni and friends of the College.  Recipients of these awards are nominated by sociology faculty members.  Typically, nominated students have made exceptional contributions to the department through active engagement and success in sociology courses, outstanding work with faculty members on research projects, or leadership through service on department committees or within the USA.

Ruth Hamilton Award for Sociology 

The Ruth Hamilton Award is one of MSU's “All-University Awards for Excellence,” which has a perpetual endowment, and is named after Dr. Ruth Simms Hamilton, a distinguished sociologist whose work over decades made major contributions to the understanding of the African Diaspora. Dr. Hamilton also made significant contributions to sociological theory and to our understanding of international migration, urbanization, and inequality.

Kaylin Casper

2024-Kaylin Casper

2023-Stella Weinberg

2022-Alyssa Bowen

2021-Carrie Nielsen

2020-Aubrey Grevemeyer


Outstanding Senior for Sociology

Each year, one student who will be graduating with a sociology major and who will participate in the May graduation ceremony is chosen to represent the sociology department during the ceremony.  The student is recognized formally as the Senior of the Year in sociology.

The 2024 recipient was Urvi Chakraborty .

The 2023 recipient was Carrie Nielsen.

The 2022 recipient was Emily Fitzgerald

The 2021 recipient was Daisy L. Genson.

The 2020 recipient was Jonbrielle Gill.

The 2019 recipient was Lauren Randazzo.

Urvi Chakraborty

Sociology Club Emerging Leader Award

The Sociology Club is a group of sociology students who meet regularly to learn more about the discipline and connect with fellow classmates, graduate students and faculty who are passionate about sociology.  Among this select group of students, every year one student who has stood out as demonstrating leadership within the group is awarded the Socioogy Club Emerging Leader Award.


Udall Undergraduate Scholarship

The Udall Undergraduate Scholarship honors the legacies of Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall, whose careers had a significant impact on Native American self-governance, health care, and the stewardship of public lands and natural resources.

The Scholarship Program identifies future leaders in environmental, Tribal public policy, and health care fields. It is highly competitive, with students participating in their schools’ internal competitions before receiving consideration from the Udall Foundation. 

The 2024 recipient was Kaylin Casper.
