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Undergraduate Advising

Advising for the successful completion of your degree is available for all students.

The undergraduate advising office is in room 317 Berkey Hall.  There are options for either in-person or zoom meetings for advising, which you may select when signing up for the appointment.

Mr. Regan Kania (he, him, his), a Senior Academic Specialist, is the advisor for the department. His information is as follows. 



Phone number: 517-432-1230 

Here is the web site for scheduling appointments:

You can find Mr. Kania under the Sociology Department. At your chosen appointment time, you may either log into the Zoom link with the given password, or you may call the office phone number, 517-432-1230, at your scheduled time, or if you chose an in-person appointment, report to room 317 Berkey Hall, and have a seat in the waiting area. Appointment times are available for one to two weeks in advance.



Please follow these instructions on how to navigate the advising site:

  • Log in at
  • Click on Academic Progress
  • Click on Advising/Tutoring Appointments
  • Click on Create New Appointment
  • Select the following appointment details:
  • Category: Select Advising
  • Advising/Tutoring Unit: Select College of Social Science Advising Appointment Reason: Click the look-up/magnifying glass icon and select Sociology, Reason #0245. Do not search for Sociology in the text box.
  • Appointment Duration: This will default to 30 minutes.
  • Additional Information (required): Please enter the reason for your appointment to help the advisor prepare, e.g. scheduling classes, graduation check, etc.
  • Appointment Type: Select your preference of In-Person, Phone or Zoom.
  • Click Select Advisor:
  • Choose your preferred date and time with Mr. Regan Kania and click Select Time. You may need to scroll down the page to view the complete list. Use the Next Days hyperlink to see more available dates.
  • Review all appointment information, including any advisor notes, and click Book it! at the bottom of the page.
  • To make sure that we can make the most of your online appointment, please have a laptop, computer, or tablet available from which you will be able to access your e-mail and Student Information System. This will allow me to continue being able to provide visuals for the topics we may discuss in your meeting; this is especially important if you are hoping to discuss scheduling for the upcoming school year.

As always, Mr. Kania is available to answer questions and concerns via e-mail (


 ***Appointments must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance and may be scheduled up to one or two weeks in advance.  For any urgent emergencies, readmissions, or other special situations, please send me an email message to arrange for a time to meet. 

What to Expect in your Advising Appointment:

  • Please come with specific questions for your adviser
  • Advisor can help with the following:
    • Scheduling courses
    • Semester planning for college career
    • Setting up internships (please have a few places you are interested in interning for)
    • Potential overrides into Sociology Courses
    • Help with transfer/study abroad/independent study credits
    • Readmission/probation/advice/paperwork
    • Other things advisor can help you find resources for:
      • If you are struggling in courses
      • If you are looking for graduate schools
      • If something in your outside life is affecting school
      • If you are exploring different careers/what to do with degree
      • If you have a question and don't know where to go, your advisor can help you

MSU provides resources for students who are undocumented. Visit this site for more information: