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Congratulations to Emily Fitzgerald, Outstanding Senior for MSU Sociology

May 2, 2022 - Karessa Weir

Graduating senior Emily Fitzgerald of Kalkaska, Mich. has been chosen by MSU Sociology as this year's Outstanding Senior.

Emily FitzgeraldMSU Sociology chooses their Outstanding Graduating Senior with a high GPA and an ability to demonstrate why they would be the best representative of the department. Emily will lead the procession across the stage for the department at the College of Social Science commencement.

"Emily took my SOC 216 class in FS19. She was an absolute delight to have in class. She was engaged and thoughtful. She is an excellent representative for SOC," said Dr. Sarah Prior, Undergraduate Program Director and Fitzgerald's favorite Sociology faculty.

Emily did not come to MSU intending to major in Sociology but after taking a course her freshman year, she found it fascinating.

"I love the way sociology is so broad and you can gain so many experiences with it. It changes the way you think," Emily said. "It's very diverse, you learn about the way people work and the way groups work together."

She cited Dr. Prior as her favorite teacher who "kept us on our toes."

"I had lots of great professors and Dr. Prior was definitely one of them. She's very straightforward in her teaching and left a lot of room for creative thought," Emily said.

In addition, Emily majored in Psychology with a minor in Youth and Society. Her advise for future college students:

"The biggest way to success is to not stress yourself out and lead yourself down a rabbit hole of feeling like you can't do it," Emily said. "Keep an open mind and talk to your professors."

Following graduation, Emily plans to go to graduate school for Human Resources and Labor Relations.

"This is another area where you work with people and there are a lot of opportunities to benefit a great group of people," Emily said. "I want to work toward making a more equitable, diverse workplace."

Eventually, Emily plans to own her own business. She currently sells her fabric art online and hopes to continue growing that work into a full-time business.

"I love being my own boss," Emily said.