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Dr. Denton "Spud" Morrison, Sociology Professor Emeritus, has died

January 7, 2020

Dr. Denton "Spud" Morrison served as Professor of Sociology at Michigan State University from 1964-1990 as well as serving at the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station. As a sociologist, Dr. Morrison specialized in the study of environmental sociology, social movements and research methods. He published numerous journal articles, book chapters, monographs and edited volumes. 

He received numerous awards including Distinguished Rural Sociologist from the Rural Sociological Society, Award for Merit from the National Resources Section of the Rural Sociological Society, "Award for Distinguished Contributions in the Sociology of Environment and Technology from the American Sociological Association. 

Dr. Morrison was a Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars at the Smithsonian Institute in Wahsington D.C. for 1978-1979. He was named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and served on the sub-committee of the National Research Council Committee on Nuclear and Alternative Energy Systems. 

Before joining the MSU faculty, Dr. Morrison received his PhD in Rural Sociology from the University of Wisconsin. After his retirement, he and his wife Dr. Bonnie Maas Morrison operated an antiques store. They moved to Sarasota, FL in 2002. Bonnie Morrison preceded him in death March 4, 2019.

Donations in their memories can be made to the Brookings South Dakota Public Library, 523 3rd Street, Brookings SD 57006.