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Sociology PhD Student Anna Wilcoxson awarded $25,000 grant to enhance economic mobility, reduce poverty

December 2, 2020 - SHRLR

School of Human Resources and Labor Relations Associate Professor Dr. Maite Tapia and Sociology PhD student Anna Wilcoxson received a $25,000 grant from the Midwest Mobility from Poverty Network, a collaborative of universities engaged in data and analysis to improve economic mobility and reduce poverty across the Midwest, supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Anna WilcoxsonDr. Maite Tapia

Tapia and Wilcoxon's project "Cooking and Community: Fostering Economic Mobility for Prospective Service Industry Workers through Multi-Tiered Community Partnerships" will examine the working conditions of restaurant workers in the greater Lansing area as well as offer virtual tools (culinary and workers' rights classes) for low-income and marginalized people seeking a career in the service and restaurant industry.

 Through this project, MSU seeks to enhance economic mobility through job training, develop and deepen partnerships between MSU and community partners, and shape policies through tracking the working conditions of individuals in the food and restaurant industry.