Graduate Student Collective
The Graduate Student Collective fosters professional development, program progress, sociological interests and general support among MSU Sociology Department graduate students. Kitty Groeller, Tiffany Williams, Angelica Dejesus are the leaders for the 2022-2023 school year.
Student activities include but are not limited to regular meetings, planning the fall & spring semester department picnics, attending the department faculty/staff meetings, planning brown bag seminars, representing students in new faculty recruitment, sharing conference/research resources, practicing presentations and attending the American Sociological Association regional and national conferences, as well as representing other graduate student organization interests related to:
- Graduate Employees Union
- Sociologists for Women in Society
- Section of Latino Sociology/Society for Latino Scholars.
The Graduate Student Collective also maintains a listserv for all MSU Sociology graduate students.
For more information visit the NEW SOC Collective website.