MSU Department of Sociology Statement of Solidarity on January 15, 2016
January 15, 2016
MSU Department of Sociology Statement of Solidarity on January 15, 2016
Dear MSU Community,
We, Faculty in the Department of Sociology, are in solidarity with students, faculty, and staff of color, immigrants, Jews, LGBTQ people, Muslims, people with lives of difference, the undocumented, women, people with disabilities, and all who support justice, inclusion, and equality.
The discipline of Sociology has long examined and documented the varied forms of oppression, marginalization, and intimidation that many of you have experienced historically and in your everyday lives. Even further, Sociology has rigorously investigated and highlighted the longer-term social forces, processes, and structures that shape these trends not only in the US but also around the world.
As members of this community, we acknowledge the micro- and macro-aggressions you have experienced in your everyday lives and that seem increasingly prevalent in recent months. We acknowledge the fear, frustration, anxiety, and despair that many of you experience. Many of us share your concerns. As public sociologists, our mission is to address such oppression, marginalization, and intimidation and recommend strategies for reducing, if not eliminating, them. We are bound to this mission.
We want you to know that we value you. We recognize the contribution that your groups have made to US society. We are fully committed to your success.
In solidarity,
Department of Sociology Faculty
Dr. Isabel Ayala
Dr. Clifford Broman
Dr. Lawrence Busch
Dr. Jennifer Carrera
Dr. Soma Chaudhuri
Dr. Jualynne E. Dodson
Dr. Thomas Dietz
Dr. Bernard Finifter
Dr. Jessica Garcia
Dr. Rita Gallin
Dr. Stephen Gasteyer
Dr. Craig Harris
Dr. Ning Hsieh
Dr. Nan Johnson
Dr. Raymond A. Jussaume Jr.
Sophia Koufopoulou
Dr. Hui Liu
Dr. Sandy Marquart-Pyatt
Dr. Rubén Martinez
Dr. Aaron M. McCright
Dr. Brendan Mullan
Dr. Stephanie Nawyn
Dr. Aaron Ponce
Dr. Carl S. Taylor
Dr. David Wiley
Dr. Logan Williams
Dr. Wynne Wright
Dr. Linda Kalof
Dr. Khalida Zaki
Dr. Zhenmei Zhang