Medicine, Health and Society Forum
Fri, February 14, 2020 11:00 AM at 457 Berkey Hall
The Department of Sociology is pleased to present the 2020 Medicine, Health and Society Forum. Speakers include:
Dr. Ahnalee Brincks, Human Development and Family Studies, MSU. "Adaptive Interventions in Prevention Science."
Ahnalee Brincks trained in a unique interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Bio-Behavioral Statistics spanning the disciplines of Epidemiology, Psychology and Education at the University of Miami. Her research centers on the use of complex statistical methods to address important scientific questions in the prevention of substance use and mental illness. Dr. Brincks specializes in latent variable modeling and has expertise in longitudinal data analysis, hierarchical linear models, structural equation modeling, and the analysis of data from randomized clinical trials.
Dr. stef shuster, Sociology/ Lyman Briggs College, "Feeling It Out: How Emotion Norms Shape Medical Decisions"
Dr. shuster's current research and teaching areas are united by an overarching interest in how evidence is a social artifact that is constituted through social, cultural, and historical contexts. Across their projects, shuster asks: who constructs evidence, how does evidence confer authority to individuals and groups, and how is it mobilized by social actors? These dimensions of evidence are a centralized feature of shuster’s scholarship in three domains including how: 1) medical providers negotiate evidence to make medical decisions within uncertain terrains; 2) social movement actors use evidence to make claims about social issues; and 3) language is used in interaction to regulate subjugated groups. shuster currently serves on the editorial boards for the Journal of Health and Social Behavior and Gender & Society.
Dr. Desiree Baolian Qin, Human Development and Family Studies, "Preliminary Findings on the Adaptation Experiences of First-Year Chinese Undergraduate Students at MSU."
Dr. Qin’s research centers on adolescents and emerging adults from immigrant and minority families. The main question underlying her work is: How do immigration, culture, gender, SES, and important ecological contexts like family, peers, and school impact adolescent and emerging adult development? She is particularly interested in processes of cultural adaptation for immigrant parents and children and potential conflicts, discrimination experiences, negotiations, cultural adjustment, intersectionality of gender and ethnic/racial identities and ensuing educational, sociocultural and psychological outcomes for immigrant and minority children, adolescents and emerging adults in a new land. She has worked with diverse populations including Asian immigrant parents and children, high-achieving Asian American adolescents, tiger mothers, Sudanese refugee unaccompanied minors and emerging adults, Chinse international students, and biracial children and families. Dr. Qin has co-edited multiple volumes on the post-1965 New Immigration, globalization and education, Asian American and Pacific Islander children and mental health, and most recently children and prejudice. She is on the editorial boards of Applied Developmental Science and Asian American Journal of Psychology and was Associate Editor of Journal of Adolescent Research.