Social Citizenship Experiences of High-capital Syrian Refugees in Istanbul, Turkey
Tue, December 6, 2022 1:00 PM at Zoom
MSU Sociology PhD student Ezgi Karaoglu will present her dissertation proposal defense over Zoom.
Abstract: My project focuses on Istanbul, Turkey, one of the main migration hubs in the Global South that contains these interactions. Since the beginning of the war in Syria, more than 8 million people have been displaced. The largest proportion of them is hosted by the countries in the region, with 3.6 million refugees residing in Turkey. To identify paths of inclusive integration, I will explore the social citizenship experiences of high-capital refugees through their everyday interactions with the polity and society. These experiences are not exempted from the dynamics of the host country, which is under massive populist political and socio-economic transformations, especially in the last decade, and international relations which are transformed by the international migration flows. Therefore, through in-depth interviews, focus groups and participant and non-participants neighborhood observations, this dissertation will demonstrate clear connections between the international macro relations transformed by the international migration flows, host country level mesostructures, and micro interactions of the refugees in the host country.
Dr. Stephanie Nawyn (Chair)
Dr. Xuefei Ren
Dr. stef shuster
Dr. Ani Sarkissian (Political Science)
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